Letting the animal be in control of the session is key to Animal Reiki. Because they can’t talk to you, you need to be aware of their actions and their body language. Never try to force an animal to stay still so that you can “do” Reiki. Always respect my animal clients, just as I would a human client. Reiki energy will fill the room, so you can share Reiki with your cat even though they are sitting on the other chair. When they are done, they will simply or turn away from you, or leave the room, or even fall asleep.
Animal Reiki will help your pet's physical and mental well being and is a blessing at times of stress - think "V. E. T." visits, or during storms, or if your pet is sick. Aging pets also will benefit greatly from regular Reiki sessions, and Reiki can help them pass when their time comes.
Like people, animals will react differently to Reiki energy, and a Reiki practitioner should be respectful of your pet's "space" and always watch for signs that your pet is ready for the session to end.